Monday, December 10, 2012

Dec. 10, 2012


We are working really hard this week on our class book and preparing for our Holiday show . You will absolutely love what we have in store for you!! :D
Please make sure that you are helping your child study their spelling words daily. Assisting your child with their spelling HW is a way for them to practice and prepare for the spelling test on Friday.

The following are dates to keep in mind…

12/15: First half of volunteer hours are due

12/10:Holiday shop begins

12/20: Holiday show

12/20: Pajama party!!

12/24: Winter break begins and we will see you back on 1/7/2013!!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Nov. 30, 2012


Wow!! Can you believe that we are already 1/2 way through the 2nd quarter? Time is fling by and I am very proud of the progress that each of my students have made. I have modified the HW as some of you may have already noticed. They will have spelling HW every week. Please make sure that the spelling HW is done in their HW Journal and returned on Friday with the HW packet.

 This week I have tested your child on the first set of sight words (pre-premier). Next, week you will be receiving a letter along with the sight words that your child needs to practice. I will test them again on December 21. Remember that these words will help them with their fluency. Thank you for visiting our blog!! I am very excited to be using this blog as a form of communication. As always, if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me @

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Welcome to my first post!

Hi everyone, I hope all is well! Thank you for visiting our new class website. This blog will keep you informed about what we are learning in class as well as reminders of upcoming events. Please take the time to look at the pages provided to the left. There you will find helpful resources to help reinforce what is taught in school. Please make sure to check the blog every friday as I will be posting new information.